Garage Door Lock Replacement Guide
Read moreA key fob refers to a small electronic device that is programmed to give access to a vehicle or a building electronically. This hardware device consists of a remote, which is activated within a certain range to give access to a vehicle or building. Key fobs provide the same function as traditional metal keys, only that they operate in a remote fashion. The device is fitted with a short-range radio transmitter that sends a radio frequency signal from a remote transmitter to a control module in the vehicle or building. You've probably seen people press a button on a small device, causing their cars to produce a chirping sound. They are simply using a key fob to lock their car or gain access. These devices are small enough to be kept on a key ring or in a pocket.
What Are The Advantages Of Key Fobs?
The main advantage of a key fob over traditional metal keys is that they provide more convenience and add a level of security for the user. When you use a key fob, you reduce the risk of your car getting stolen and allows you to locate your vehicle in crowded parking lots. In addition to an added level of convenience, a key fob reduces the chances of you locking your keys in your house or car. With a key fob, you can unlock your car, start ignition by pushing the START button, open its trunk, and do much more. Some key fobs for high-end models allow you to access your vehicle without even having to press a button.
How Do Key Fobs Work?
Key fobs work through radio frequency identification (RFID). This technology involves the use of electromagnetic fields to identify and track stored information known as tags. RFID technology works the same way as barcode scanners, but it doesn’t need precise placement in order to work. When you push a button on your key fob, the device transmits a random 40-bit code that tells the receiver which specific function to perform. The transmitter and receiver are synchronized in a way that the fob transmits a unique code to the receiver, which recognizes the code and performs the required function. That means a key fob that is not synchronized with your car or building cannot be used to gain access to your car or building.
Key Fobs For Apartments
Key fobs are ideal for providing access to areas like gated communities, community pools, vacation rentals, and restricted areas. They are also ideal for businesses because they can be blocked if they're lost or stolen. If you're looking to design a key fob system for your apartments or business premises, get in touch with Locksmith Management.
Looking For Key Fob Locksmith Services? Call Locksmith Management
If you're looking for key fob programming services, key fob repair, or replacement, you can count on Locksmith Management to help you with all of your key fob needs. Locksmith Management has vast experience in key fob programming, key fob replacement, and repair.